Friday 25 April 2014

Eric Myer

Photographer Two: Eric Myer

Why chosen: I have chosen to look at this photographers work because I fell it is unique and interesting. I like how the photographs show stereotypes within todays society. I also like how the facial expressions in the photographs are very blunt/simple showing limited amount of feelings allow the audience to make their own mind up about how they are feeling, in a way it portrays the models to be hiding their emotions. 

 In this photograph the paper covering the face shows what the person is meant to look like as a stereotypes, however behind the paper he could look totally different. This photos composition only includes the face and hands up against the face, limited amount of background is shown to make the face the main focus. The lighting used in this image is very bright & happy, the opposite to the facial expression. 

 This photograph uses the same techniques to show stereotypes. This image shows depth of field because the image at the front is in focus and the background has been blurred. The emotions shown in this photograph are unclear because you can only see the models eyes. The lighting in this photo is very much focused on the model herself rather than the background, the lighting is very natural . 

This image also shows stereotypes in the same way, the lighting used is fairly dark which creates a mystery feeling when looking at the image. The models long wavy hair stereotypically makes the audience assume he would be a certain type of person, for example: a hippy. The background has also been taken out of focus in this image.

This photograph uses very natural lighting to create a peaceful atmosphere, the background is blurred out and the model at the front is in focus, very much the same as all the previous images of Eric Myer's work. This is known as Depth of Field. This image also shows the different stereotypes within society.

Influence: I have been influence by this photographer to tell the story of stereotypes within todays society. I have also ben influenced by the way this photographer shows stereotypes because it is very unique and interesting. 

Summary: Overall I was influenced by this photographer as I took photographs to show the different stereotypes. However I did not use this photographers idea of the cut out paper facial expressions. Therefore this photographer didn't influence me as much in the end. 

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