Friday 25 April 2014

Ben Moore

Photographer Four: Ben Moore

Why chosen: I have chosen this photographer because I am very interested in portrait photography to express emotions. I feel these images themselves tell a story of thought and feelings just through the models facial expressions. I also like this photographers work because they are close up portraits, which I like. This photographers work is simple but very interesting and clearly shows a story.

This photograph creates the feeling that the model is thinking, feeling stressed. The lighting is very natural and lights up one side of the models face more than the other. the models face is the main focus of the image and hardly no background is included in the image. 

This image is in black and white, helping create a atmosphere of loneliness, as from the models facial expression he comes across to be very alone as it looks like from the image that he is looking outside a window. The lighting looks very dark in this photograph but there is a light coming from the right hand side (maybe from the window). The model is looking down which instantly makes the audience assume the model is feeling down.

 This image clearly shows the emotion of sadness due to the model looking down with her eyes closed. The lighting in this photo is directed onto the models face, the face is the main focus of the picture, there is no background involved apart from the clothes the model is wearing. This photograph could show many different emotions but from simply looking at the image you can see that the model is upset about a situation. 

This image is the same model as the picture above, however this picture isn't a close up and reveals the story behind the picture above. The reason for the above picture to show the emotion of sadness is because she is a homeless women. The lighting in this picture is natural day light as you can tell due to the location being outside. 

Influence: This photographer has influenced me to tell the story of different emotions because I strongly feel that a single photo of a model showing a emotion tells its own story. I have also been influence by the idea of homelessness and poverty from the two images above of the homeless lady. 

Summary: This photographer has influence me as I took my own photographs of poor and rich situations, in relation to this photographer showing poverty.

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