Sunday 27 April 2014

Connecting Essay

Five: Paul Williams

This image from Paul Williams is a fashion photograph. The photographer uses a fairly dark colour background and places the model on the right hand side of the image. The lighting used in this photograph is lighting up the model herself, rather than the background, therefore making the model the main focus. the composition of this image allows the model to be seen from the head to the waist. The angle of this image has been taken from directly in front of the model. 

This photograph is my own to represent fashion. The composition allows the model to be shown from head to waist. The background is a fairly dark grey. the lighting is fairly natural but darker on one side to create soft shadows on the face. This photograph has been taken from directly in front of the image. The facial expression of the model is very blunt and serious, allowing the audience to create their own thoughts and feelings of the model. 

Overall these two images connect to one another because they are both showing fashion photography. They both have similar compositions, showing the models from head to waist. The lighting is very similar and have both used a dark background. The models facial expressions are also very much the same.

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