Sunday 27 April 2014

Connecting Essay

Two: Ray Spence

This photograph shows the damage of anorexia and expresses the models feelings. the image is in black and white and you can see from the angle the photo has been taken that her reflection is in both mirrors, left & right. Due to the way the model is hanging onto the pole it creates the feeling that she is clinging onto her life. The model looks very boney, stressed, lonely and weak. 

This image represent the illness of anorexia and brings about awareness. This image is my own photograph that I have taken to show anorexia. I have used a tape measure in my photograph to represent that the model has replaced food, showing that the constant worry of weight have taken over her eating. I have used a black background to create a dark, lonely atmosphere. The lighting I used was a overhead light to focus on the model herself rather than the background.

Overall both these images connect with one another because they both show anorexia through the images themselves.  They also connect because both images represent something, for example: the first image shows the model hanging on to a pole, representing she is clinging onto her life & the second image shows the model holding a tape measure over her mouth, representing that she has replaced food with the worry of her weight. 

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