Wednesday 5 March 2014

Shoot Two

In todays lesson I took photographs in the studio to link to my project of Story Telling. My photographs that I took were showing someone's story of anorexia. 

If I was going to do this lesson again I would experiment with the different type of lighting to create different atmospheres and effects. This is due to a lot of my images be quite dark before they were edited. However once edited I really like how the lighting effected the photographs.

In a lot of my photographs I included a tape measure to cover the models mouth. This was to represent the tape measure as a replacement of food. For example this image to the left. In this image I used dark lighting and focused on just having close ups of the face. If I was to take this photograph again I would take it from a more wide variety of angles so I had more images to choose from. I would also experiment with another type of light, although I really liked the lighting I used it was an over head light and it made the models eyes quite red looking. 

In this photograph I stuck a sticker label onto the models mouth saying "I wont eat". This was to show what anorexia does to people, it makes you not want to eat in oder to be skinny. Therefore I wanted this sticker to resemble that. I really like the angle that this photograph was taken at. I also really like the image when it is edited black and white as I feel this creates the whole atmosphere of sadness and loneliness. If I was to take this image again I would just try to focus more on the composition of the image and not include so much of the background. 

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