Sunday 2 March 2014

Elena Kalis

Photographer One: Elena Kalis

why Chosen: I have chosen to look further into this photographers work because I found it very Interesting to look at and was very amazed by the imagination behind the idea of the photographers work. I really liked how the photographer has re created scenes from Alice in Wonderland but in their own way as Alice in Waterland. I also chose this photographer because I feel that it links to my project of "story telling" in a very good and unique way. another reason is because I would like to re create these images myself if it is possible to do so. 

In this image the photographer has captured the movement of the cards floating in the water. I like this image because of the lighting shinning through the water onto the model. I also like the facial expression of the model because it shows she has put a lot of effort into it as it would be very hard to hold it under water. This photographer shows good skills of photography through this image. 

This second image re creates the scene when Alice falls into the 'wonderland' or in this case the 'Waterland'. The costume and the props used in this photographers work makes the whole picture come to together. Again in this image I like the lighting shinning through the water onto the model.

The next image shows the movement of the model when looking into the mirror. I like this image because of the angle it has been taken from it allows you to see the whole of the image and then the reflection in the water, through the mirror. In this photograph the photographer has re created her own scene and put her twist on it. 

This photograph is similar to the second image because it is another photograph showing the model falling. However this image is taken from a different angle and the lighting is a lot darker than the second image. I like this image as it has darker lighting and it creates a more spooky atmosphere like the film Alice in Wonderland itself. 

Influence: This photographers work has influenced me to look into the story of Alice in Wonderland and portray this story in my own photography. This photographer has also influenced me to want to try to take under water photographs.

Summary: Due to not being able to take under water photographs this photographer hasn't influenced me as much as I thought it would. However I been influenced by the theme of Alice in Wonderland in my own work.

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