Thursday 6 March 2014


Story Telling

The theme of Story Telling can be shown through photography in a variety of ways.
For example: 

  • Fairy Tales 
  • Personal Stories
  • Fashion 
  • life Cycles
  • Recovery Stories
  • Nature
  • Illustrating Books
  • Fiction
  • Non-fiction

Story telling is a way of expressing past events or emissions that have taken place in the past. These stories can either be fiction or non-fiction. I believe that Story Telling is very effective when used in photography as I feel that there is a story behind every photograph. 
For example: a single photograph from the war tells a whole story about that specific moment/point in time.

Story telling can also be shown through nature and natural world because that represents the life cycle which is showing and telling a story. For example the life cycle of nature and the life cycle of natural world-Growing old. 
Another way of telling a story is by showing someone's personal story or recovery. These stories then become a lot more personal and could effect people in a number of different ways. They also have a lot more reason behind the photographs. Story Telling also allows viewers to connect with the images because the stories of the photographs or the stories behind the photographs may relate to them.

When looking at photographs that relate to the theme of Story telling, that I have chosen for this unit, I have come up with a number of ideas for shoots that I would like to do. For example the picture above that shows anorexia has influenced me and given me an idea for a shoot related to anorexia. Also I have looked at the life cycle of nature and humans, in my own way I would like to show a life cycle through my pictures. A story can also be told through a single picture on its own as every photograph has a story behind it. For example a portrait can tell the story of the models emotions or personality.

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