Tuesday 4 March 2014

Image bank- Anorexia

 Idea two

I have chosen to look further into the idea about anorexia/telling a story by showing someones recovery story. I like this idea because I feel that it will give me a wider variety of what I can photograph. I also like this idea because I think it gives the photographs more meaning as it becomes a personal story. 

The first photograph is a close up that could have a number of meanings behind it. For example: the photograph could show that the girl has replaced food with constant fought of weight and the way she looks/symbolised by the tape measure. 

This second image uses a grey effect to make the girl in the image look drained. Emotions are also shown in the photo through the writing on her neck and arms. This allows the viewers to understand and know how the girl is feeling. A tape measure is also used in this image to show the same feeling of constant worry about weight and the way you have to or should look. 

The image to the right shows a reflection in the mirror. In this reflection you can see a women's figure of a very healthy/normal size. However you can see that the girl is holding/pinching her skin/fat. This photo again shows the worry of being over weight. 

This photograph shows someone measuring their waist with a tape measure which shows how society and stereotypes effect you and make you believe that you have to be a certain way/ skinny and not over weight. 

This image shows what anorexia does to you mentally and physically because mentally it affects you by believe that you are still over weight and then physically it makes you extremely underweight and unhealthy. This image shows the reflection in the mirror of the girl thinking she is fat/over weight and then in reality she is very underweight/skinny

In this photograph you can see a sticker/label stuck to the girls mouth saying 'I won't eat" this shows that she is preventing herself from eating and the sticker is symbolising this. The same grey effect is used in this image the same as one of the images above. The girl looking towards the camera makes the image a lot more effective because it allows the viewers to connect with her emotions. 

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