Sunday 2 March 2014


Story Telling

Dictionary definition: Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, and images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation, and instilling moral values. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plotcharacters, and narrative point of view.

Describing words: 

  • Genre- Horror, Romance, Drama, Crime, Action ect. 
  • Reading
  • Imagination
  • Fairy tales
  • Fiction 
  • Non-Fiction
  • Books
  • Imagery
  • Personal

In this image you can see that a scene from a story has been re created to tell the story of 'Little red riding hood'. You can identify this because of the red cape the model is wearing. The lighting in this image is quite dusk and doll, this makes the red in the image stand out because the other colours are not as bright.

This image shows an open book. Books are a way of telling stories and reading stories, books are also a way of creating imagination. In this photograph a dark background is used to make the book the main focus of the image a draw the viewers eye. The lighting is shinning down on the book making it seem that the book it important in this image.

This image shows a girls imagination as she is blowing her bubbles. Imagination is a way of expressing stories. From this image you can tell that the objects in the image are what the girl is imagining. This image is very creative and a very effective way to tell a story.

 This image tells a story from the genre 'horror'. Horror is a film genre which is a way of telling a specific story. In this photo very dark lighting and dark colours are used to create the horror atmosphere. The main focus of the photo is the blood dripping of the characters finger. Therefore this draws the eye. 

Own definition: Story Telling is a way of expressing an event or emotion that took place at a certain point in time.

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