Wednesday 5 March 2014

shoot One

In this lesson I took photos on location to show someone's morning routine of making a cup of tea. I then edited them to put them into a sequence of patters to show them making the tea step by step. 

If I was to do this lesson again I would take the photographs in the studio rather than on location as I feel that the use of lighting in the studio would make my photographs look a lot better. I would also experiment with taking the photos from a high angle. 

In this photograph I have captured the movement of poring the hot water into a mug. The lighting of this image is quite light however its against a dark background. I like the angle of this image as it is from directly in from of the objects in the photograph. If I was to take this photo again I would try to take it as a close up as I feel too much background is involved in the photo. 

This next image shows a higher angle shot so you can see the image from a different perspective. In these images I used slightly darker lighting than the photograph above. If I was to do this sequence again I would take the pictures in the studio as I feel that the images would have come out in a much better quality than this image. 

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