Tuesday 4 March 2014

Image Bank- Story Telling

In this image it is showing a boy growing older. This is representing the life cycle of growing old. The lighting used in this image is very bright but gloomy. This picture is four separate images that have been emerged together in order to create the effect of showing the boy to be getting older and older in each picture. This photograph links to my project of story telling because it is telling a story about growing old over time. I like this photograph as I think it is very interesting and it shows that the image has a lot of thought behind it. This photograph could influence my work as I think this is a very good way of telling a story. However I feel this would be very hard as I do not have the models to take the separate pictures of the boys/men at different ages. 

This image shows the fairy tale Alice in Wonderland however it is underwater photography known as Alice in Waterland. I really like this image because it uses a lot of imagination and puts the photographers on twist to Alice in Wonderland. This photo shows quite bright lighting directly on to the model in the photograph. I would really like to re create this image in my own way. 

This image shows the fairy tale of Snow White. from looking at the image it shows natural lighting is used. This photograph has also been taken on location as shown from the background. This image links to the project of story telling because it is a still photograph from a scene of snow White. 

This photograph shows a sequence of someone making a cup of tea. This therefore could show someone's story in the morning when they make a cup of tea or on the other hand this could be the story of someone's day routine. Fairly dark grey lighting is used in all of the images as you can tell from looking at the images because the backgrounds are all the same colour. 

In this photograph it is showing the story of a leaves life cycle from growing to dying. This is shown through the leaves getting bigger and greener and then turing yellow and getting smaller again. These photographs are set out in a sequence. The background is white for all of the images and the lighting used is fairly bright. 

This image is a close up of a male model expressing his emotions. This is a way of telling a story as all stories are told through emotions. The background used in this image is black and the lighting looks dark. However this is hard to tell as the image has been made black and white. The image being in black and white create the angry atmosphere to represent the emotion he is showing. 

This image is very similar to the life cycle of the leaves. However this image is showing the life cycle of a flower. This image is a drawing not a photograph but I feel this drawing could influence my work and give me ideas. The background used for this image is a white/light grey background. 

This photograph represents the story of pregnancy. The photograph has been edited black and white and then there is the models reflection in the mirror behind her. The model herself is in focus but the reflection is not. This photograph links to the project of story telling because it shows the story of having a baby/being pregnant. 

This photograph shows the story of fashion through the years and how it has changed. Some of the images are black and white and others are in colour. The images are taken in a studio.

This photograph links to story telling because it has a story behind the picture. For example this could show a story of life in war or life as a African American slave. Therefore this image on its own tells a story. The photograph has been edited black and white to create the scared and upsetting atmosphere.

This image shows a photograph that has been taken of a model and then been animated by adding the birds in order to make it look like the photo is from a book. the lighting in this image is very bright and the background is white/light grey.
This image shows the story of fashion from the different parts/countries around the world. This picture uses a grey background and fairly bright lighting. the angle of this photo has been taken from directly in front but the model is slightly turned to the right. 

This photo shows the fairy tale wizard of Oz. This image relates to story telling because you could re create scenes from this movie and photograph them in order to show a story and create a story line to the images. 

This image could show the story of what smoking does to your body and how it affects the way you look. This image is a close up of an elderly women. This allows you to see the cigarette and the wrinkles of the women's face. Therefore this image could tell a story of smoking as it represent the awareness of smoking. 

This image tells the story of war. This image could also tell the story of someone's experience while at war. This image is black and white and the smoke at the background is a very faint white. 
In this photo it seems that the photograph of the girl has been taken blowing bubbles and then placed onto another background. This photograph shows the story of what the girl is thinking or imagining about when this photo was taken. The objects that she is thinking about are edited onto the image. The lighting used for the photograph of the little girl is fairly light and slightly off black and white looking. This photo is a very interesting and different way of telling a story. 

This image shows a story because it has a number of pictures/drawings and then it is telling a story underneath the images. This is know as a storyboard. This is an interesting and different way of telling a story.

This image shows a number of still drawings and then speech bubbles have been used in order to create the story in a comic formate. This would be a good way to tell a story as it would have information to read. I could do this by taking still photographs and then adding speech into the images.

This image shows a story through age. The photo on the left shows the two boys of a younger age and then the picture on the right shows them a lot older. This tells a story of growing up. 

 In this photograph there is a sequence of a variety of different photos. The photos have been arranged in a film tape layout. This creates a affect of the pictures telling a story through a film/as a film.

This image shows the older generation telling the younger generation a story of the past/past events. The elderly man being at a higher level makes the picture more affective as you can see the children are looking up to him.

This photograph is also a sequence that has been put together from a women's wedding day. This photo is telling the a story of a wedding day from the brides perspective. 

This image tells a story of the different pathways of life. There is depth of filed used in this image because the main part of the image at the front is in focus and the objects in the background are a blur. This photo has been taken from a low angle. 

This image tells a story of a book coming to life. The pages have been cut out to make it look like characters/objects are coming out of the book.

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